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our irresponsible queer culture lubricant, not water soluble, totally irrisponsible, but superhorny queercult lubricantviolating all Fuckbook terms
a counterweight fighting the pathetic normality that the current young homo nerd generation wants us all to fit in,if only !
fortunately there are some critical dirty old men left who feel the suit-and-tie normalos are 'spoiling it for us pervs'and hinder our 'sexual rebelclub'
take it from "the dirty old grandfather of vitriolic queer culture reviews"it will move your ass more substantially than twink dickies will ever be able to
For Delft viewers: this page is off limits to discriminating under 28 fake faggots.they're welcome when they grow up and stop discriminating
Why so much sex? because it is the only thing we homos are creative in, excell at,and do not want it hidden under a normalo marital duvet
Posts are qued and drip-fed daily.Want something of yours removed, message me and it shall be done! (also possible via BDSMLR)
Mind you, I'm an over-aged un-compromising PRrr man (public rrelations prrrson) meaning I mostly only get recognition from anarchist pigs
Sex obsessed, depraved, one track minded, irrepressible ? Fine!Why is it that heterosexuals never feel that way about themselves?

30-4-'24 tuesday special:
Good news, just announced: the Tom of Finland Art & Culture Festival will be held at Halle in Club Berghain, Berlin over the weekend of 31st May-2nd June. Dates for the London and LA editions to follow. The French Revolutionary Marquis de Sade's groundbreaking act was to link sexual liberation with all other kinds of liberation: freedom from the state, the church, the family and all the moral codes of his day. His provocative, radical work is filled not just with sex but with violence and cruelty, intended especially to outrage the middle and upper class, and really almost all readers. It fits uncomfortably with our ideas of progressive or reactionary thought. So what can we do with him? Is he useful for gaining insight into the abuses of the US government today, controlling body autonomy? How do his ideas of gender identities comport with our own? Can we be happy that some roots of contemporary BDSM practice participants "consent to play in negotiated scenes"?
Can we gain insight into the abuses of the US controlling body autonomy? How do his ideas of gender identities comport with our own? Can we identify with some roots of contemporary BDSM? meanwhile Richard and Durk were at Soho House Berlin:
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29-4-'24 Ultrafaud Monday Musick Mayhem
'Upside Down', Cheerio', 'Dynamite' en andere jaren tachtig-hits van Vanessa. Na 20 jaar treedt ze weer op: Connie 'Vanessa' Witteman is op 26 juli hoofdact van het Milkshake openingsfeest !
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24-4-'24 sunday worship
Constant Believer, midjourney Ai:
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27-4-'24 kingsday
streetparies galore but especially for us queens . . . at de Boss fetishbar den Haag (above) and DWH Delft (below)
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25-4-'24 it's our royal weekend
this friday at Eagle, 398 12th street San Francisco, Meet erotic artists:
and Marc deBauch art is in Seattle: Mattias Duijves writes:
"The first English translation of Pathologies (1908) by Jacob Israël de Haan will be published on May 6, the last of his two gay novels. (The other of course Pijpelijntjes from 1904). These are the two first gay novels in the Netherlands that left nothing to guess and were still readable, because he could write. It will accelerate his international reputation because there are a few English books about him but none by him himself, the fate of many Dutch authors. A German translation will also be published this summer. A French one narrowly failed. Will come!"
meanwhile I did 2 online translations of both books some ytears ago. They're still on , but an updated version moved here on .
Ever wondered who was ROB OF AMSTERDAM? (1940-1991). The Leather Fashion Designer: The Man Who Made the Clothes That Make the Leatherman. Here's Jack Fritcher's report on him
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24-4-'24 fillum
this wednesday at our faggot movie theater at LG22 Delft, a Scandinavian Royal Secret parts 1 & 2: next week we'll do Royal Secret parts 3 & 4 another classic that I don't mind seeing again and again is the movie adaptation of that great book by E.M. Forster, Maurice : Sergeant Harry Daley (1901-1971) made no secret of his sexuality (even though it was illegal) being the first openly gay British policeman. Soon after joining the police in 1925, he met and had a brief affair with gay writer J. R. Ackerley, and, through him gained entrance to a circle of literary and artistic figures, namely the Bloomsbury group. Daley would then become the lover of writer E. M. Forster at the age of 25, in a relationship that lasted seven years. Forster had once confided in his locked journal, which he called his Sex Diary, he wanted to 'love a strong young man of the lower classes and be loved by him', but in Daley he also found a meeting of minds. They both loved opera and classical music. Despite its happy interludes, their relationship foundered as Forster, terrified that his sexuality might be made public and uncomfortably, Daley was wildly indiscreet. Daley retired from the police in 1950, joining the Merchant Navy, keen to see more of the world, but soon fell ill with diabetes , spending the years before his death in 1971 living with his brother (who was also gay and living with his partner). Daley never achieved the long term relationship that he desired but when Forster and Daley met again briefly in 1960 at a literary award for J.R. Ackerley, , who invited them both to a celebratory dinner at the Savoy, Daley told Forster that he was writing his memoirs but he was not to worry for he had become discreet in his old age, and Forster replied that he had become indiscreet in his old age, so Daley could write what he pleased:
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23-4-'24 wrinkled sex salon
tomorrow: good to see Sam Ashby is a Tom House resident this season. He interviewed me about Martin's scat parties and 'Vagevuur', when he served a residency at the Van Abbe museum in Eindhoven. He's most known for his poster and dvd cover designs of many of the greatest faggot movies of all time: Me being over 70 while having a lover aged 34, this is an evening I should attend. Worn out, antique, elderly, stale, obsolete, demented, out of touch :
there are hardly any positive words for old or elderly. Young stands for fresh and handsome, old almost automatically stands for the opposite. But attractiveness is subjective, and sex drive doesn't dry up after the age of fifty. Because we are all one step closer every day, we pamper the older body in the fourteenth Sex Salon.
The Sex Salons are informal gatherings. Previous topics have included cum, promiscuity, perversions, solo sex, group sex, pain, paying for sex, anal, dick pics, outdoor sex, messing, bondage and STDs. The goal is to highlight the positive aspects of sex, to gather ideas and perspectives, and to build a network of sex-positive activists, scientists, artists, policymakers, and other minds concerned with sex and sexuality.
Organized by Richard Keldoulis, Linda Indische, Ronald Berends and Caspar Pisters (Nieuw Amsterdams Geil). Tuesday, April 23, 8-10 p.m., doors open 7:30 p.m at Club Church, Kerkstraat 52 Amsterdam.
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22-4-'24 monday music mayhem
5 x Marianne Faithfull
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21-4-'24 sunday worship

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18-4-'24 weekend
So sad to see the old Borse building in Copenhagen go up in flames. it's where I saw all the great Thorvaldsen sculptures, when I last was there for a scat party at SLM motorbikersclub : dinner with my former theater tech colleagues this thursday (self-made at home)
while our postponed last Proust reading session is now on friday : Proust's Charlus was inspired on Baron de Montresquiou his friend in 'temps perdu' St.Loup, on the contrary, was highly masculin, militairy, hetero-married, but still homo: sunday afternoon a free celebration of Ted van Lieshout's 40est writers anniversary at OBA: but you have to apply for a free ticket !
then sunday there's also the postponed eatclub dinner:
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17-4-'24 fillum
this wednesday, 20u45 at our cozy faggot movie room at Lange Geer 22 Delft, free entry,
a porn movie pioneer bio : Armed with only an 8mm movie camera Peter De Rome was an eccentric English gentleman who in the 1960s would politely ask young men to remove their clothes and "perform" on camera. Initially this was filmmaking for his own pleasure, but it wasn't long before a growing audience wanted to see more, although at the time his work was considered far too subversive and corruptive for general viewing. Peter's story spans eight decades of the "gay experience" both in the USA and UK with first-hand experiences from World War II to Stonewall and beyond. The film charts his remarkable journey from cinematic outlaw to celebrated film icon with contributions from collaborators and some of those he has influenced. The film uses extensive extracts from his varied and often explicit work, from his early 8mm experiments in the 1960s to his extraordinary feature films. Our most perv punk movie director Bruce la Bruce, quoted from dazed mag interview :
"That was until the 90s when culture started eating itself and being super self-referential, which has accelerated into this mass of references where nothing new is really being made. At that time it felt like things were being spontaneously generated. There were also eras of liberation. I existed pre and post-gay liberation, lived through the progression from film to digital, lived through the era of pre to post-Internet, from pre to post-social media. It was like living through a whole set of revolutions which all seemed very positive and utopic as opposed to now, where everything seems dystopian and AI is going to destroy everything" hope we'll soon be able to show this new BlaB movie at LG22 a Blab podcast :
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16-4-'24 CLAW
next week by now is last weekend, and no, I wasn't there this time, but @sehnsuchtinc (gloryhole drawing by him), @kyleandersonart, @coltonackerman, @doableguys, @bouquet.boys and @papertiger74 were at their Kink Art Show, where I showed the Tulip shit asses earlier :
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15-4-'24 monday music R.I.P.
my own (and 192 radio & tv Adje Bouwman's) Kayak best:
nr.3: nr.2: nr.1: Rest in piece, KayaK singer & drummer Max Werner
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14-4-'24 sunday worshit

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13-4-'24 local
One of the nicer houses along my home street (or 'singel') has been sold: you can find more cityscapes by this Delft artist here
just another dancefloor clip at the LG 22 Mixup anniversary session:
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12-4-'24 worries
Designer drug 3-MMC (and semi legal derivatives) popular with Dutch youngsters, but highly addictive. hear / watch the Dutch radio 1 news fragment.
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11-4-'24 weekend
GOLD!!!en shower at de Boss den Haag this sunday afternoon: after that there's our montly dinnerclub, this time at Andre's in den Haag do have a look at an earlier Delftboys golden shower archived page.
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10-4-'24 fillum
our faggot cinema, Lange Geer 22 Delft presents, 10 april 20u45 free entry : to get you in or out of the mood, a Brazilian promo : RETAKE is a gem of a movie! Its free on YouTube but a much better quality on Amazon Prime, The acting: excellent. The movie came out in 2016, but nobody ever saw it. the least known Warhol/Morrissey film:
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9-4-'24 listen/read/view
a short erotic tale, suggested by Mattias Duijves, called "boys" : also just finished reading : It's a translation of the Brazilian original by Gustavo Scat. It's a bit paternalizing, but a good broad read for anybody who wants to explore the fetish. Not that I'm the mr. Know-it-all when it comes to scat, but I'm trained by the pioneer master of Scat: Martin, and I've been practicing with the most inspiring BUMchum for over a decade now, my one and only homy-trainer, Jos: always was a great fan of the stylish queer art of Robert W Richards
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8-4-'24 monday music mayhem
As last easter Radio Caroline celebrated the 60th birthday of their 1st offshore broadcast,
they were live again from the Ross Revenge: this was the talkover-starttune of the legendary Johnny Walker,
Caroline DJ and still working now at BBC radio2: it's a bit over the top as far as "espionage" or "conspiracy" is concerned,
but besides that a well documented pirate radio history: Still fondly remember all these PAMS jingles some more music that got me hooked in the 60's to 3 pirate stations: radio Caroline, Veronica and London :
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7-4-'24 sunday worshit
Spring has arrived at my kitchen window : RuZZia remembering how nice the "go West" era was : Forum voor Doemacratie :
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4-4-'24 busy weekend
2 funerals and a lecture this saturday;
don't know how I'm going to attend everything.
German artist Hannes Steinert turned 70.
To celebrate there's a major retrospective exhibition of his linocuts
and the presentation of the new book "BOYS for BOYS" at Mooiman Gallery Groningen. Opening on Sunday 7 April 4 pm in the presence of the jubilarian also saturday 6 april 2024 ALV and lecture by Pim Ligtvoet organised by the Dutch Proust Society. Location: Universiteitsbibliotheek, Doelenzaal, Singel 425, Amsterdam. Pim Ligtvoet about the lecture:
"Proust could not do well without Hebrew
Under this title he would like to address two questions in particular.
How much Hebrew or Yiddish is in In Search of Lost Time? And: was the main character of the novel abused by his great-uncle in his youth? The two questions are related because Hebrew and Yiddish play a role in the alleged abuse. The two questions are also linked by the specifically Proustian theme of memory. Memories of a partly Jewish childhood can become less welcome and then disappear. The Sabbath disappears but returns as a strange enthusiasm for Saturday. The Biblical city of Sodom is destroyed because of homosexual behavior, but in accordance with Jewish exegesis, Proust first opens one of the city gates. Hebrew is necessary to remain true to oneself." About the speaker
Pim Ligtvoet (1947) graduated cum laude from the Catholic Theological College Amsterdam in 1983. He worked as vicar of the Dutch ecumenical community of Berlin, student pastor in Maastricht, labor pastor in Zaanstreek, socio-cultural advisor in the province of North Holland. Publications: I haven't heard from you for a while. Jews in the Zaan region (1940-1945) (2007); 'A discovery of the creator'. Adventures with faith and homosexuality (2012), In the shadow of war. In the polders of Amsterdam Nieuw West (2015). About Proust: 'Théodore'; Bulletin Marcel Proust Association no. 9 (2019): 'The correct translation of faith and sex in Proust', idem no. 10 (2021): 'Sometimes Proust wrote Hebrew', idem no. 11 (2023). 'Love adventures with Proust', Filter, Magazine about translation, September 2022 (29/3). Pim Ligtvoet also has a Proust reading group and one of his statements is: 'You should read Proust as you read the Bible'. His lecture will also testify to this view. by the way, also have a family Schuring reunion coming sunday afternoon in Pijnacker: more pix of our family home at Café de Kroon
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3-4-'24 b R.I.P.
Sad to just learn that one of the great pioneers of homo-erotic art, REX, has passed away. He not only made the classic posters of the legendary 1st fetishbar of NYC,
that, as a T-shirt, was worn by Freddy mercury in this clip: one of his last drawings was a portrait of me, doing what I love best, at the urinals of the Amsterdam Cuckoos' Nest Darkroom: druring the 80's he also was artist in residence of the legendary fetish cult magazine Drummer: (his final portrait, as his hand got too shaky, was of the Web Bar host Jaques Zonne)
Do look at the original pages dedicated to REX, still at the old DB-archives and on a june 2016 page.
more Rex art has been added to the the art page here.
An earlier tribute page by Guy Burch is here.
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3-4-'24 fillum
at our faggot movie wednesdaynight starting 20u45, free entry, 'Easy Tiger', which looks pretty sensual : In loving memory,
or: we should replay "Rebel" once again . . . verified nudes of the all time faggot hero of the 50's: may he rock on forever . . . meanwile, this wednesday, in 18 Pathé cinemas across NL, a first queer movie from Romania :
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1-4-'24 april fools monday music mayhem
no, this door only swings both ways when you're talking top or bottom, but when it comes to gender, I'm stuck with male: " You dirty sweet, you're my guy " : The clip I loved most when Matt Lambert showed it at the trial run of Sissysmut at the London Eagle back in '22 : here are 3 other greats by David Wilson :
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31-3-'24 easter worship
and a tasty bunny easter to you too : more tasty easter asses on the redesigned art page: meanwhile, you can still browse the vast db archives till the fall.
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25-3-'24 melancholy monday music mayhem

another song that always makes me think over if it's good to continue a relationship:

If I listened long enough to you
I'd find a way to believe that it's all true
Knowing that you lied straight-faced while I cried
Still, I'd look to find a reason to believe

Someone like you makes it hard to live without somebody else
Someone like you makes it easy to give
Never think of myself

If I gave you time to change my mind
I'd find a way to leave the past behind
Knowing that you lied straight-faced while I cried
Still, I'd look to find a reason to believe

If I listened long enough to you
I'd find a way to believe it's all true
Knowing that you lied straight-faced while I cried
Still, I'd look to find a reason to believe

and then there's that other song:
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23-3-'24 arti farti
a provisionary try at opening up the erotic art gallery; click below: meanwhile, you can still browse the vast db archives till the fall.
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20-3-'24 fillum & more
at our DWH faggot history movie theater this week, Lange Geer 22 Delft, free entry, 20u45:
Unter Männern, Schwul In der DDR (if the trailer embed doesn't work for you here, try at in the making: Queer:
From the mind that adapted Call Me By Your Name follows the story of a 40-something man who escapes a drug raid in the US and falls in love with a drug addict in the Navy upon arrival in Mexico City. That must surely become as daring an adaptation as the original book: it will star Daniel Craig and Drew Starkey: and the heroes of "god's own country" and "all of us", Josh O'Connor and Paul Mescal are also working on a new epic in Berlin Vitium still proudly promotes the city's the club culture we loved and miss (click image below 4 trailer): There's a magic to this queered inversion of intimacy: fuck first, then meet. Darkrooms are not for everyone; but for many toilet stalls remain a favorite; with all the multi-level positions, you become more of a human organism
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18-3-'24 Monday Music Mayhem
Veeeerooonikaaa moet blijveuh . . .
Had a bad case of flu last week, and didn't do much but listen to the remake pirate radiostation of my youth, that broadcasted just a few miles from here on the Norderney ship off Scheveningen harbour. And no that's not like the Veronica radiostation on air now, which is owned by Talpa, who bought the rights to the Veronica and 538 (their mediumwave frequency) which are now commercial and boring.
Below are 4 tunes that remind me of that sad last days, now exactly 50 years ago when the Dutch governement showed it didn't care about culture and the future of music radio, but just maintaining their wrinkley/over-aged KRO/Vara/Avro stronghold on media and declared them illegal. Still Veronica was the role model of radio then and is today. Sadly our religious/social/green parties still are just the same pigheads. And they still stubborny continue to subsidise dead NPO (national public radio, go figure) radio 2, 3 and 5, who still fail to come even close to the original. I still listen weekly to Lex Harding, the Adje Bouwman Top 10's and every sunday afternoon to their reruns of the Billboard Hot 100's and pirate Radio London's Fab 40, with orgininal jingles and commericals of those days, Big L, where first faggot DJ Kenny Everett made the Beatles and Freddy Mercury into legends by playing their new albums or "too long" records nonstop for hours. R.I.P. Steve Harley, who with Cockney Rebel gave us ouir first gay anthem:
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17-3-'24 sunday worship
only pathetic small dicks need to rig elections: "War is Over" won an Oscar for Best Animated Short : JL's right hand on YO's waist. AW's right hand is on YO's right breast. YO is holding a smoke with her right hand. YO's left hand is on AW. AW's left hand is on JL. JL's left hand is on AW. instead, lets focus quickly on awakening spring feelings:
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11-3-'24 monday music mayhem
highly jungle inspired, possibly (anti)woke, racey and racist:
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9-3-'24 new url:
a testing page, checking if just regular HTLM as I used to write works on
Here are some images to check:
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00-00-00 amazing delftboys faggot art content samples :
we're going to change some things here in '24 , on our website but also on . The URL of both websites will change into ! in a few months. Most likely queerlog will move in april and delftboys in the fall.
for now you can still check out the db/queerart masterclass-content
yours, in sodomy . . .
delft skies anno 1660

with homo-erotic art, no less

Queer culture
without cock and balls ?

That's called CASTRATION !
why do that to yourselves?

Invoking 'god'
is merely an attempt to
avoid clear and critical thinking and
to abrogate personal responsibility
for one's own choices;
It's the ultimate retreat
of the intellectually lazy.
It also provides
an unfortunate comparsion
with the sorts of
theocratic regimes abroad
of which we are rightly critical.

my religion: priapism! politically correct
is the most dangerous infection,
first symptoms:
blocking creativity,
spontaneity, candour,
vigilance, economic renewal
and is spreading like wildfire
in the gaiii community and
it's more contageous
then any STD!

a devious mind
is a terrible thing to waste

Goodness, gracious,
great turds of fire!
Marc Martin
love of my life