Jacob Israël de Haan
wrote two novels
around the turn of the
19th into the
20th century
homo erotic
it changed his life
and ours.
Click the Hildebrandt drawing,
to the riught here,
to get to the tumbnails agenda
that leads to his
" stories from 'de Pijp' "
in an illustrated English translation.
Hildebrandt Smoker

Even though I do have an incredible archive,
I thought and sought long and hard to find
an image that would set us in the right mood.
for this month's theme, the book Pijpelijntjes,
or 'lines from the Pijp'
De Pijp being a poor lower class workers area of Amsterdam
as there are not many real images from that era,
I came up with the ink drawings of . . .
Ernst Georg Martin Hildebrand (1906-1991)

link to the db/queerart lobby
the adabakenbrada weblog continues almost daily, as usual
or send feedback to Ad@bak&brada
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